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A Veteran Owned Wealth Management Company

The Only Financial Planning Firm in the World Created Exclusively for Nuclear Power Plant Professionals

What Do We Really Do? 

We Help Nuclear Power Workers All Over the Country...

-Retire earlier and spend more, resulting in a more enjoyable retirement -

-Build and manage low cost, goal-based, custom portfolios-

-Pay as little taxes as you legally can-

-Choose the best way to fund your family's education costs-

-Ensure your family is protected in the event of the unexpected-

-Reduce your stress by helping develop proper estate plans-

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Our Story

"After 19 years in nuclear power, I followed my passion for personal finance and founded the only firm that serves the community I love, the nuclear community."

Ryan Townsley, CFP®, RICP®, CPWA®- Financial Adviser & Founder  



I recently joined Michael Kitces on his podcast to discuss my transition from Nuclear Power to the Only Wealth Manager Exclusively Serving the Nuclear Industry

We are Proud Members of 

Our Financial Planning Process is Special and Unique: 

Data Driven, Process Based and Mathematically Tested

Take a Deep Dive into our Planning Process Below

We Are Retirement Income Experts

  • Most firms plan for retirement income using two fatal flaws in their assumptions:

    • Linear spending plans that assume the retiree will (and wants to) spend the same amount of money, adjusted for inflation, in every single year of retirement 

    • Static plans that have no guardrails in place to protect the plan from withdraw rate and sequence of return risk

  • YOU will have a retirement income plan that make sense:

    • Your Retirement Income Style , which dives much deeper into your goals and personality type than any risk tolerance questionnaire ever could, is used to develop a custom retirement plan for you and your family. 

    • Your retirement income plan will use statistical data on actual retiree spending AND incorporate your spending goals and desires, forming an age-based spending plan that front loads the retirement to maximize travel and leisure in the early years when you have health and mobility

    • Your plan is protected by guardrails, or predetermined levels where withdrawal rates must be reduced to protect the portfolio for longevity 

    • Your plan will be stress tested using historical scenarios like the great depression, great inflation, and global financial crisis. 

    • Your retirement portfolio will be based on the actual cash flows and needs of your retirement, not a model portfolio 

Watch this Webinar to Learn More About The Unique Way We Plan for Retirement Income

There Is No Such Thing As A "Standard" Investment Plan

  • Most firms use cookie cutter approaches to investment management like these: 

    • Using model portfolios that have no regard for your cash flow needs, withdrawal rate, or coordination with your retirement income plan 

    • Using standard 60/40 type portfolios with no regard to the economic cycle, bond volatility (like in the year 2022), or cash needs

    • Build portfolios solely on risk tolerance 

  • YOU will have a retirement portfolio that make sense:

    • Your retirement portfolio will be constructed individually just for you, based on your retirement income plan, and your cash flow needs

    • Your portfolio will consider not only risk tolerance, but risk capacity and risk requirements, two additional risk factors that are often ignored 

    • Your portfolio will be dynamically adjusted to mitigate the risks of the business cycle, interest rate risk, and other very prevalent risk in this investing environment 

    • Your asset allocation glidepath plan will be developed using state of the art software that creates synergy between the income plan and your portfolio 

    • You will be kept in-the-know via our client communications and quarterly investment webinars 

  • Watch This 3 Part Webinar on Our Investment Development Process (Parts 2 and 3 Coming Soon)

Your Fair Share (No More)

  • You control more of your tax destiny than you think

  • Effective bracket management and Roth conversions can save 6 or 7 figures in taxes over the course of a retirement.

  • Traditional, Roth, or a mix of both? What's the science behind Roth Conversions? Deciding the optimal balance is a complicated math problem that depends greatly on your future goals.

  • Have a tax question throughout the year? We keep a tax firm on retainer to help guide our clients through the unknown.  

Watch this Webinar to Learn More About Saving Six Figures in Taxes

Let's Make Sure You're Covered

  • No one likes to think about things like disability or untimely death, but they do happen.

  • We don't sell insurance, so we have nothing to gain from our evaluation. We give you an honest assessment of what your family would need, along with recommendations, and let you decide what is best. 

  • Our insurance strategies are often tapered, reducing your insurance coverage as you grow older (and grow wealth), ultimately saving you money.

  • We'll also assess your liability insurance and other employer offered benefits to ensure you are taking advantage of your benefits.

  • Long term care education and assessments show our clients what would happen to their wealth if the family was impacted by an expensive health situation. We'll show you ways to protect your nest egg from an undesired situation. 


We Know Education Is Important...And Expensive 

  • Student loans can be exhausting and stressful. We will help you develop a plan to lighten the burden on your finances caused by these liabilities. 

  • If you want to help a loved-one save for their education, we can develop a plan based on your goals, and help you invest in proper tax-advantaged methods for their education. 

  • The logistics of paying for college (FAFSA, loans, grants, etc) can be intimidating. Let us guide you through the process to ensure you are not missing opportunities.

Someone Will Decide Your Estate's Fate.

We Want It To Be YOU. 

  • Ask anyone who has been through the probate process, or even worse, the process of dealing with a loss of someone with no will, and they will be the biggest advocate of a proper estate plan. 

  • Most estate planning happens outside of a will, with the proper titling and beneficiary naming on accounts. 

  • Wills still go through probate. A trust may be a better choice. Trusts are not just for the super rich, just the super smart. 

  • Medical directives and financial power of attorneys could take immense pressure pressure and uncertainty off your loved ones. 

  • Would you like to leave a legacy, control how assets are distributed at your passing, or donate some of your wealth to charity? Your estate plan can ensure your wishes are carried out...as YOU wish.

Watch this Webinar to Learn More About Estate Planning

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112 W Pennsylvania Ave

Suite 301

Bel Air, MD 21014

Evening and Weekend

Appointments Available



(410) 864- 0209

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